University of Sussex, leading research.

Sussex Bay is delighted to work with academics from across the UK in areas of marine and human sciences. In the centre of Sussex Bay, the University of Sussex (Prof Mika Peck and Dr Valentina Scarponi, and a team of early stage researchers), lead aspects of the marine monitoring of the Kelp Restoration Programme. The work is supported by funding from University Scholarship Fund (Marianne Glascott), SoCoBio DTP PhD (Alice Clark), HEIF (Kelp Incubator Project) and Blue Marine Foundation. The programme includes sediment analysis and ecotoxicology around kelp rewilding and restoration. A University Kelp Lab is set up and ecotoxicology research is underway.

Additionally, Sussex Bay is interacting with academics on the interface between green and blue capital. Dean Spears, Geographer and Head of Blue Natural Capital for Sussex Bay, completed the then three year part time Sussex MBA whilst working full time, tutored by Dr Benjamin Everly. We are delighted that the Sussex Bay Research Lead, Dr Lewis White, has been provided with desk space on campus.

Thank you University of Sussex colleagues for your support.

Supporting projects across Sussex Bay

We will keep updating this section with more examples of projects operating across Sussex Bay throughout the year. If you would like to be featured, please contact us and we will reach out to discuss your project.