Introducing your Strategic Blueprint for seascape level research and recovery

Funded by our Blue Natural Capital Lab, we are developing a Strategic Blueprint for Sussex Bay, a forward looking plan designed to enhance our marine and coastal environments. This blueprint will take a seascape approach, recognising Sussex Bay as a dynamic mosaic of interconnected habitats shaped by natural processes and human activities. By addressing the entire seascape we aim to tackle environmental challenges holistically and together.

Our focus will be on integrating research across natural sciences, social sciences, and economics to support and restore our blue ecosystems. We'll emphasise the importance of natural capital, our water, species, and habitats, and how they provide vital ecosystem services such as recreation, food, and spaces for biodiversity. Understanding and valuing these resources will guide us in making informed decisions that benefit both the environment and the communities relying on it.

The blueprint will outline a shared vision for Sussex Bay, setting clear objectives for pressure removal, protection, and restoration. We’ll work closely with experts and stakeholders, using the best available evidence and addressing critical data gaps to drive effective, sustainable actions.

Stay tuned as we embark on this journey to create a thriving, resilient Sussex Bay together.