Sussex Marine and Coastal Forum

Throughout Sussex Bay, there are several hundred groups, organisations and networks operating across the marine and intertidal areas. Sussex Bay is delighted to be part of the Sussex Marine and Costal Forum, a collaborative gathering, four times a year, of 22 members operating in parts of Sussex Bay. Members are committed to the conservation and enhancement of the marine and coastal environment. The Chair is Nick Gray, Environment Agency.

Members: Adur & Worthing Councils, with Sussex Bay. Brighton University. Chichester District Council. Chichester Harbour Conservancy. The Crown Estate. East Sussex County Council. Environment Agency. Lewes & Eastbourne Councils. Marine Conservation Society. Marine Management Organisation. National Trust. Natural England. RSPB. RS Aqua. Shoreham Port. Southern Water. South Downs National Park Authority. Sussex Dolphin Project. Sussex IFCA. Sussex Wildlife Trust. The Living Coast. United Nations Association (Climate and Oceans).

Supporting projects across Sussex Bay

We will keep updating this section with more examples of projects operating across Sussex Bay throughout the year. If you would like to be featured, please contact us and we will reach out to discuss your project.